Herb Soul Liver Care is an indigenous ayurvedic medicine that is very effective in the treatment of hepatitis, jaundice, fatty liver, cirrhosis, ascites and other liver disorders. Herb Soul Liver Care prevents hepatic disorders and stimulates appetite and growth. It also helps in the regeneration of hepatic cells.
Helps manage fatty liver
Helps promote natural liver detox
Helps improve appetite & digestion
Helps boost liver function & health
Helps reverse fat deposits in liver
Helps protect liver from damage
Helps improve liver function
Helps regenerate liver cells
For daily liver detox: 1 capsule, twice a day
For fatty liver & jaundice: 2 capsules, twice a day
With lukewarm water, after meals
For best results, use for min. 3 months
Did you know that 70% of Indians suffer from Fatty Liver disease? This is a condition where your liver absorbs and stores excessive amounts of fat, resulting in poor liver function and even liver damage. And this is where Liver Care comes in!
Herb Soul’s Liver Care contains 17 super herbs like Kutki, Bhringraj, and Kalmegh. It’s these Ayurvedic herbs that help manage fatty liver by reducing fat accumulation and inflammations by supporting liver detoxification and improving liver function.
1 tablespoon (5 ml) syrup twice a day.
With lukewarm water, after meals
For best results, use for min. 3 months
Those dealing with liver diseases like fatty liver, hepatitis, digestive issues like loss of appetite, indigestion, and constipation can use Liver Care.
Herb Soul's Liver care has many natural and Ayurvedic ingredients that support overall Liver Health (Detox & Cleanses). It is made with Kutki, which is clinically tested age-old formula for liver detox. 95% of customers recommend it to others after using it.
No, It is made of 100% Ayurvedic herbs. Liver Care is not known to have any side effects when used in the recommended dosages.
In case of fatty liver, please consume it for minimum 3 months.
Yes, Liver Care helps to get rid of toxins produced from alcohol consumption.
I have been using these Herb Soul Liver Syrup for 1months for my healthy liver, i had issues with my digestive system, the process of digesting food, bloating, acidity, sometimes heart burn etc, maybe that is all because of wrong timings of my meals, but i got to know about this syrup to make your liver and gut healthy.